The Big Short
The movie of the Michael Lewis book The Big Short hit movie theaters across Canada over the holiday weekend, following a limited release earlier in the month. It stars Christian Bale, Steve Carrell and Brad Pitt and charts the build-up of the housing and credit bubble and a group who saw it coming and set out to profit from it. The movie has received positive reviews for its depiction of the crash in the housing market. IMBD Review: 8.2 / 10

The movie of the Michael Lewis book The Big Short hit movie theaters across Canada over the holiday weekend, following a limited release earlier in the month. It stars Christian Bale, Steve Carrell and Brad Pitt and charts the build-up of the housing and credit bubble and a group who saw it coming and set out to profit from it. The movie has received positive reviews for its depiction of the crash in the housing market. IMBD Review: 8.2 / 10